In the competitive business environment nowadays, improving professional skills and knowledge for the staff has always called special attention of the management of all businesses. The Board members and the Directors of our VietnamAudit, who have had a lot of experience in teaching and managing at the universities, together with other experienced experts are able to design training programs and successfully organize professional courses of most effectiveness upon the clients’ requests.
The training courses of our VietnamAudit on special subjects such as finance, administration accounts, audit and internal audit, financial analysis, etc. which have been organized at the clients’ requests have provided the trainees with professional knowledge of the Vietnamese and International Accounting and Auditing Standards, the currently applicable financial policies and systems as well as the application of these standards, policies and systems into each of the particular industries, business fields and situations.
For the purpose of timely supporting our clients to have necessary information for their operations, our VietnamAudit, has organized a professional seminar and provided newly- issued State’s legal writings. This is a beneficial seminar for the management on finance, accounting and taxation, etc.
Besides, our VietnamAudit has regularly organized refresher classes for chief accountants in order to provide our clients with a reliable base to appoint their chief accountants in conformity with the State standards. We also organize high-class courses such as CEO and CFO courses.